

Commercial inspections may seem like a mundane detail in the process of buying a 财产, but they are an extremely valuable and important tool in gauging your risk when making a purchase. 乍一看, it may seem as if all commercial 财产 inspectors are the same, but we spoke to the experts and discovered that 商业检验s are affected by several factors and criteria that impact the value you receive from them. From how to choose a commercial inspector to what you should expect, this is what you need…


Beyond the Deal: Four Essential Steps Now That You’re Closing on Your Commercial Property

你方报盘已被接受, 你已经完成了你的尽职调查, 你要卖掉你的商业地产了,所以, 接下来是什么? Whether you are a commercial 财产 owner or tenant, there are still more details to attend to. From preparing your space for occupancy to budgeting for long-term capital expenses, 既然你要打烊了,这些都是必做的. 1. Prepare the Space for Occupancy Now that you’ve found the perfect space for your business, 或者找到了理想的房客, 是时候让它成为你自己的了. 你需要……



When signing a 商业租赁, there are many factors that impact your overall cost. Understanding the 总占用成本 is important both for budgeting and developing accurate financial forecasts over time, 也可以用来谈判. 最近, 我们的办公室经纪集团的马特·格雷戈里, Andy Dutcher and Philip Bird worked with The Joseph Group to secure a new 办公室 space. 约瑟夫集团(Joseph Group)的规模已经超过了目前约5人的规模,500 square feet and sought a space that could accommodate its cur租金 needs, 但也会促进该组织的…



From financial advisors to medical practitioners, at some point, we’ve all needed a specialist. 房地产也不例外. We’re all familiar with residential and 商业地产, 但这么多年来, 商业地产 specifically has become highly specialized. A broker’s role has morphed into that of a real estate “advisor.“这取决于财产类型和专门化, 代理执行的功能有很多, 包括财务和市场分析, 人口研究, 选址研究, 投资组合分析, 和更多的. 经纪人专业化的深度在很大程度上取决于……


Five Reasons You Should Engage a Tenant Rep to Negotiate Your Commercial Lease

Leases dominated our roster of closed 交易 for May with our 办公室 signing or renewing leases equating to more than 205,000平方英尺. 有这么多的租赁活动, we thought we’d take a deep dive into the benefits and misconceptions regarding 波音bbin and share with you our top five reasons why hiring a tenant representative is beneficial! 签订商业地产租约是一项重大承诺, and finding that perfect space is often a time-consuming and sometimes, 艰巨的任务. 好消息是……


Rapidly Appreciating Market Creates Challenge in Assigning Values

Central 俄亥俄州’s rapidly appreciating 商业地产 market is leaving some 经纪人 and buyers trying to figure out how to get the deal done. As buyers are pursuing some sectors of the 商业地产 market with vigor, prices are climbing at a pace that is making it difficult for 评估师s to keep up with the market. 去年, the 工业 sector saw record growth due to the 电子商务 boom, 以及疫情导致的租金增长. In Central 俄亥俄州, the 工业 sector saw the price per square foot increase…


Seven Ways to Prepare for an Industrial Property Search Heading into 2022

The 土地scape for acquiring 工业 财产 has changed dramatically over the past year. After brick-and-mortar 零售 came to a screeching halt in early 2020 due to the COVID -19 pandemic, 网上购物激增, 从那时起, 零售ers have been leasing the existing 工业 warehouse space in Columbus, 俄亥俄州, 以无与伦比的速度. The NAI 俄亥俄州 Equities 工业物业小组 explained that their business has flip-flopped with the majority of their 2021 representation being on the tenant side, 传统上是地主一方. 工业仓库空间是…



What is the Difference Between a 经纪人价值意见 and an Appraisal? Both a 经纪人价值意见 (BOV) and an appraisal utilize the same approaches to determining the value of properties, 然而, 有一些关键的区别. 开始, an appraisal is performed by a state-licensed third party and performed at a cost. Specifically, in terms of 商业地产, the cost may be significant. 经常, BOV的成本很低,甚至没有成本, as many 经纪人 provide this service as a means of earning representation for the…

自存储单元 商业地产101 

寻找投资物业? 自助存储可能会提供一个独特的机会

September 商业地产 交易 remained steady and accounted for roughly 325,000 sq. ft. in sold or leased, 办公室, 投资, 工业, and 零售 properties in our 办公室. 我们最大的销售额之一是俄亥俄州贝尔普雷的李街485号. 自助式仓储设施面积近78000平方米. ft. 可出租的空间和惊人的465个单元. 自助仓储仍然是一个理想的投资领域, and has gained significant interest recently for several reasons. 开始, 投资团队经纪人解释道, 泰勒沃特金斯, 自存储属性往往更容易管理,并且具有…


Industrial CRE:派对还没有结束!

Real Capital Analytics (RCA) has released their latest US National All-Property Index data for 工业, 公寓, 零售, 以及办公部门, 哪个显示指数增长了8.截至2021年4月,同比增长4%. 涨幅最大的是工业类股(上涨9%).4%), which we all know has been one of the few spaces for which Covid-19 proved to be a boon. But GlobeSt analysis of Crexi data and Moody’s Analytics suggests that a “market correction” may be on the cards In the monthly Crexi National Commercial Real Estate report, 他们写, ”…
